Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Music Haul ♪

Curious as to what music I listen to? Well now I am going to be doing a music haul every month to show the new songs/artists I find and have enjoyed! I am always on the hunt for new music. Sometimes I hit the jackpot and find all kinds of new artists or songs I like. Other times
its a big poo poo platter {A Bugs Life quote :P lol}.

This month though, I feel I was able to discover some pretty awesome artists. I got an assortment of different songs that I just fell in love with. Some I heard about because they are opening/ending songs to animes I have been watching. Others I find from exploring Spotify, itunes and sometimes YouTube.  There are hauls for pretty much why not a music one! Enjoy! (◕ヮ◕)


*So it took me FOREVER to figure out how I was going to get a playlist on here. I wanted one that would just show a list and then automatically start playing. But NOPE. Of course I find this awesome site that you can sign up for free and make a really cute playlist. But then the only way to share it is through a stupid link instead of it being embedded in your blog post. UGH! So YouTube playlist will do for now. Which in the end is the best and kinda nice because some have music videos so you can actually see the artist too. The first one that plays is really pretty and cool/relaxing to watch and listen too.